
Research groups

  • The research group FQM-338: Analytical Chemistry and Life Sciences was formed in February 2004 from the separation of the group FQM-118 "Solid Phase Spectrometry". Since its creation, it has been characterised as a multidisciplinary group and has maintained close collaboration ...
  • The "Natural Products and Applied Organic Synthesis" group was created in 2004, and is made up of lecturers and experts in the field of organic chemical synthesis, structural determination and biotechnology. It has published around one hundred and fifty articles ...
  • The research group “Numerical analysis and its applications” was formed in November 2007 within the framework of the Andalusian Research Plan of the Autonomous Government of Andalusia. Currently the team includes several members of the Department of Applied Mathematics of ...
  • The research group FQM-400: Soft Magnetic Matter is a young, multidisciplinary group made up of physicists, chemists, biologists, biotechnologists, chemical, industrial and telecommunications engineers.It carries out cutting-edge research in the Singular Laboratory of Advanced Technologies F2N2lab at the UGR ...
  • The group was created in 1990 with a clear objective to provide services to companies in the field of designing work positions and technologies. These services are based on the transfer of psychological, social and anthropological knowledge. This knowledge comes ...
  • The Edaphology and Land-Use Planning Group (RNM101) was created in January 1995. Since its founding to the present day, its research lines have focused on different aspects of soil sciences such as soil genesis, soil mapping, soil classification, soil assessment ...
  • The group was created in 1985, and bases its activity on the study of various aspects related to the nutritional physiology of fish. Thus the lines of research converge on fish culture optimisation, and tackle aspects related to food and ...
  • The research group RNM-270: Microbiology and environmental technology was born from the union of the members of the Environmental Technologies Area, belonging to the Department of Civil Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering and the members of the Environmental ...
  • The research activity of this group is developed in the Herbarium of the University of Granada, base don the isolation and culture of microalgae and filamentous algae, which are organisms with a high biotechnological potential. The Herbarium is a source ...
  • The research group SEJ-478: Advanced research in business management, with extensive experience in knowledge transfer to the productive sector, aims to contribute to economic development, addressing areas related to strategy, innovation, knowledge management, information systems, quality management, flexibility, operations management ...
  • El grupo de investigación TIC-024: Software libre para la optimización, búsqueda y aprendizaje GeNeura se crea con el objetivo principal de utilizar software en el ámbito de los problemas de optimización y aprendizaje, utilizando métodos ...
  • The multidisciplinary research group TIC-105: ECsens. Electronic and Chemical Sensing Solutions, established in 2000 by researchers from the Departments of Analytical Chemistry and Electronics and Computer Technology of the University of Granada, aims to design, develop and manufacture portable electronic ...
  • The TIC-186 research group was created in 2001 by several researchers in the area of Soft Computing. The group research activity and transfer of results is focuesed on Soft Computing techniques: fuzzy systems, evolutionary computing, memetic algorithms, genetic fuzzy systems ...
  • This research group has the principal objective of researching the development of computational systems that are in the vanguard of artificial intelligence.   Some of the investigations carried out by the research group are: the development of conversational systems that interact ...
  • The research group TIC-230: MYDASS (Modeling and Development of Advanced Software Systems) is made up of 14 PhDs (11 professors and 3 in companies) and 4 PhD students. It is characterized by its ability to investigate the development of social ...