RNM-288:Herbarium of the Universidad de Granada as a source for taxonomic, environmental and biodiversity studies
The research activity of this group is developed in the Herbarium of the University of Granada, base don the isolation and culture of microalgae and filamentous algae, which are organisms with a high biotechnological potential.
The Herbarium is a source for taxonomic, environmental and biodiversity studies. Its collections include specimens proceeding from all vegetal groups, both vasculars and criptogamic, where an important collection of fungae is included, constitute an important source for the study of flora and vegetal diversity in the Oriental region of Andalusi.
Its main research lines of the Herbarium are:
- Applied ficology: toxic algae and biological damage
- Expansion and improvement of the Herbarium resources
- Study and analysis of vascular flora
- Use of algae as environmental quality sensors