
FQM-359: Numerical analysis and its applications

The research group “Numerical analysis and its applications” was formed in November 2007 within the framework of the Andalusian Research Plan of the Autonomous Government of Andalusia. Currently the team includes several members of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Granada, whose research has converged in the application of their diverse expertise in the field of numerical analysis. In particular, the group addresses the numerical study of a series of problems, detailed below under “Lines of Research”, with the consequent development of the theoretical foundations, algorithms, convergence properties and implementation using a high-level language.

The main lines of research are as follows:

- Convex analysis and its applications.

- Weak compactification in Banach spaces.

- Variational equations with restrictions.

- Primal and mixed variational formulations of elliptic problems. Finite element methods and their applications.

- Numerical methods for solving inverse problems and their applications.

- Numerical treatment of integral, differential and integro-differential equations.


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