
FQM-338: Analytical chemistry and Life Sciences

The research group FQM-338: Analytical Chemistry and Life Sciences was formed in February 2004 from the separation of the group FQM-118 "Solid Phase Spectrometry". Since its creation, it has been characterised as a multidisciplinary group and has maintained close collaboration with both public and private companies in the implementation of collaborative R&D projects. The group focuses its research activity and production on the development of innovative analytical methodologies for the determination of contaminants in biological, environmental and food samples, as well as on the study of the behaviour and impact of these substances in the environment.

The main lines of research are as follows:

- Development and proposals of analytical methodology for the determination of residues of oestrogenic disruptors in biological, environmental and food samples.

- Study of the behaviour and impact of compounds of industrial interest in the environment.

- Development and application of analytical methods for the study of cultural assets.


Website of the group


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