
Research groups

  • The research group TEP-001: Laboratory of Construction Engineering LabIC.UGR has a highly multidisciplinary work team that provides, in addition to research capacity, continuous actions to transfer knowledge to companies and institutions in the sector ( see main collaborating actors).For ...
  • The “Chemical and Biochemical Process Technology” research group (TEP-025) is formed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers with ample experience in the chemical engineering field. The main objectives of the group’s research are concerned with the treatment of industrial ...
  • The research group TEP-028: Techné Engineering of knowledge and product is a multidisciplinary group formed by researchers from different branches of knowledge (engineering, chemistry, biology, pharmacy, environment) but who converge in the common space of the management of the technoscientific ...
  • The research group TEP-167: Mechanics of solids and structures highlights among its lines of research that of 'Seismic resistant structures with passive control systems', the result of which several patents have been developed, of which more information can be found ...
  • The research group TEP-190: Engineering and infrastructures is made up of a group of professors from the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports of the University of Granada who carry out their research activity in the ...
  • The research group TEP-209 Dynamics of environmental flows. Marine section stands out for the international and interuniversity nature of its work, focusing on the dynamics of the atmosphere, oceans, rivers, reservoirs, and their respective morphologies:- Ports and coasts. Coastal processes ...
  • The research group TEP-212: Surfactants, enzymes and emulsions was established in June 2002 within the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Granada.The research team has been successful in transferring knowledge: it has developed collaborative projects with several ...
  • The research group TEP-232: Research and Development Group in Building Engineering is a consolidated group of the ETS of Building Engineering of the University of Granada, whose research focuses on the diagnosis of materials and structures through mechanical tests and ...
  • The Water Management and Treatment Technologies research group is made up of researchers from the Civil Engineering Department, the Construction Engineering and Engineering Projects Department, the Structural Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering Department, and the Water Institute, all from the University ...
  • El grupo de investigación TEP-959: Ultrasonics Lab tiene la vocación de descubrir fenómenos en los campos interdisciplinares de las ingenierías mecánica, física, computación y de materiales, comprender las leyes que los gobiernan, y ...
  • El grupo de trabajo  de investigación interdisciplinar TEP-982: Ingeniería de procesos sostenibles Coffee Cube  centra su actividad en la valorización de los residuos y subproductos de la industria cafetera y residuos cafeteros de hostelería mediante su ...