
Research groups

  • The research group SEJ-497: Cognitive Training (SetShift) is a research group of the Department of Experimental Psychology and attached to the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC) of the University of Granada, and to the Cognitive Training group of ...
  • The research group was created in 1988 with the aim of co-ordinating efforts of several teaching staff and researchers in the field of Arab studies, and with the aim of studying the culture of al-Andalus in general and particularly the ...
  • The research group Scientific Information: Access and Evaluation, created in 1995, has a long and productive track record. Its members focus their research on different areas of librarianship and documentation, such as legal aspects and information ethics; the electronic document ...
  • The group was created in 1990 with a clear objective to provide services to companies in the field of designing work positions and technologies. These services are based on the transfer of psychological, social and anthropological knowledge. This knowledge comes ...
  • This group was created in academic year 2003/2004 with the aim of creating research, training, professionalisation, dissemination and quality-control tools applicable to access to audiovisual media. It should be noted that its members include researchers from universities other than ...
  • The research group was created in 2004 as part of the University of Granada Department of History of Art and Music with the aim of establishing new research networks between Andalusia and America, as well as with the Maghreb, based ...
  • The research group SEJ-478: Advanced research in business management, with extensive experience in knowledge transfer to the productive sector, aims to contribute to economic development, addressing areas related to strategy, innovation, knowledge management, information systems, quality management, flexibility, operations management ...
  • El grupo de investigación TIC-024: Software libre para la optimización, búsqueda y aprendizaje GeNeura se crea con el objetivo principal de utilizar software en el ámbito de los problemas de optimización y aprendizaje, utilizando métodos ...
  • TIC-164: Especificación, diseño y evolución de softwareGEDES is a research group with more than 20 years of experience. Throughout its history the group has undertaken numerous software development research projects and has always been at the forefront ...
  • This research group has the principal objective of researching the development of computational systems that are in the vanguard of artificial intelligence.   Some of the investigations carried out by the research group are: the development of conversational systems that interact ...