
TIC-187: Computer Vision

The research group TIC-187: Computer Vision has devoted over time research tasks related to: Feature extraction and shape recognition in digital images with applications in biomedicine and astronomy, visual distortion measurements, multiresolution processing, models of representation of images with applications to perception and visual attention, development of new methods of compression of images and video, fusion of images and in recent years development of models of scientific analysis of publications of deep relevance in Library Science and analysis of journals and your articles.

His lines of research are the following:
- Computational models for Peer-Review, Scholarly Communication.
- Computational models for the optimal allocation of resources in selection processes.
- Digital image processing.
- Image Representation Models. Visual perception.
- Perceptual distortion measurements. Distinction of targets.
- Compression of images and video.
- Computational models of attention. Fusion of images and applications in advertising.


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