SEJ-129: Social problems in Andalusia
The research group SEJ-129: Social Problems in Andalusia, created in 1995, has oriented its teaching and research work towards the study and analysis of social problems in advanced societies. In a public call by the Junta de Andalucía, the group has received an excellent rating and has been considered one of the ten best research groups in the Andalusian Autonomous Community.
The Group's faculty has been trained in the most prestigious international research centers on social problems and has taught license, doctorate and Masters courses at national or foreign universities.
Regarding his research activity, the extensive experience in the execution of different research projects and contracts with public and private entities stands out. Among the former, we must highlight the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the European Commission, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Defense and the National Institute of Public Administration . The high number of R&D projects must be underlined. Among the contracts are CETURSA (Granada), the Institute for Economic Studies, Linze TV, the International Festival of Music and Dance of Granada and MIGASA. The group of Social Problems in Andalusia, in addition to the R&D projects mentioned among others, has participated for years in a large number of R&D contracts with companies and / or administrations.
The scientific production of the Research Group is extensive and of high quality, publishing in the most rigorous publishing houses and in the most prestigious national and international journals. Among the publishers are: Rouler, Tecnos, Alianza Editorial, Trotta, Tirant lo Blanch, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, McGraw-Hill, and among the journals the Revista Internacional de Sociología, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
The lines of research are the following:
- Theory and methodology of social problems.
- Social problems: residential mobility, depopulation of the rural environment, intergenerational relationships, forms of coexistence of the elderly and loneliness in old age.
- Garment consumption and relocation processes
- Evaluation of public policies and social audit.
- Aging processes and intergenerational transmission in companies