
AGR-206: Food, Nutrition and Absorption

The research group AGR-206: Food, Nutrition and Absorption was created in 1990. It is made up of five doctor researchers who belong to the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Pharmacy and are also members of INYTA "José Matais" of the UGR. In general terms, this group develops basic and applied research in the field of food, nutrition and food technology. He is specialized in studies of:

  • Bioavailability of macro and micronutrients in health and disease: diet modifications.
  • Nutritional iron deficiency anemia: nutrient-mediated modifications in cell signaling pathways and gene and protein expression patterns.
  • Goat milk, bioactive components and health effects.
  • Celiac Disease. Effect of the singluten diet in children.
  • Gestation and old age. Maternal and neonatal metabolic implications.
  • Early metabolic programming. Nutritional intervention and prevalent pathologies during pregnancy.
  • Physical activity, body composition, cognitive development and associated factors in early age.

The group has carried out 15 Research Projects financed in competitive public calls and has also collaborated in research agreements with the Ministry of the Environment of the Junta de Andalucía and in research contracts with companies in the agri-food sector.
His research developed in the last 10 years has resulted in 70 publications in journals included in the JCR, 38 communications to national Congresses, 40 communications to international Congresses and 19 Doctoral Theses.


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