SEJ-535: Education, Evaluation and Entrepreneurship (E3)
The SEJ-535 group: Education, Evaluation and Entrepreneurship (E3) is created with the intention of contributing to improve the quality and excellence of Education at all levels. Through collaborative and interdisciplinary work, it aims to transform the structural and personal factors that impede the advancement of equality and equity in access to quality learning and employment opportunities, personal and community development. From the beginning, the group's activity was raised at the university, regional, national and European level, as reflected in the projects achieved. This group, unlike other similar ones, is committed to the strategy of promoting and supporting the dissemination and adoption of effective intervention policies, practices and programs based on quality scientific evidence.
His main lines of research are:
- Program evaluation
- Evidence-based education
- Peer learning, mentoring and mentoring
- Learning difficulties
- Non-cognitive skills
- Education for entrepreneurship
- Multilingual Education (EMI)
- Mindfulness
- Educational, professional and personal guidance