
Development of Education Apps

Specially designed for people with specific educational needs, inclusive education and the elderly. The applications created are characterized by being tailored to support the teaching and learning of specific skills, taking into account the capabilities of the end users. We work together with education professionals, psychologists, speech therapists, etc., who participate in the conception of the projects, their design and tests. Virtually all applications developed have authoring tools that allow you to personalize the interaction and content. They are also characterized by being accessible and usable applications. Some of them are self-adaptive and learn from the interaction and previous response of the users. Examples of applications that we have available in this line are: Virtrael (evaluation and cognitive stimulation of the elderly), Follow me (early stimulation and learning the meaning of representations of objects for a low level of functioning), Picaa (didactic exercises for intellectual disabilities: puzzles, association, ordering, exploration and memory), Touchvic (didactic exercises for early stimulation in children with visual disabilities), Infinitas Histories (animated social stories to work, planning and socialization mainly), VivEmbarazo (psychoeducational program for pregnancies with low-weight fetuses ), ViveCrianza (psychoeducational program for families with premature or low-weight babies). The download platform depends on the application and some of them are multiplatform.


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