
TIC-164: Software Specification, Design and Evolution Group (GEDES)

TIC-164: Especificación, diseño y evolución de softwareGEDES is a research group with more than 20 years of experience. Throughout its history the group has undertaken numerous software development research projects and has always been at the forefront of building and using new techniques and tools during the software creation process. GEDES has always aimed for quality in the software products that it develops, creating products from various points of view, such as software evolution, design for all, usability, personalising and adapting the products designed, ethics, use of new devices, etc.

In order to maintain quality in the products designed and developed by the group members, the research carried out is in the field of the latest technologies, both in software development and in the use of state-of-the-art technological devices.

The knowledge acquired by the GEDES group has been applied to various fields, including education, health, disability, marketing and leisure electronics


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