
SEJ-492: GLOBE - Granada Lab of Behavioral Economics

The research group SEJ-492: Granada Lab of Behavioral Economics (GLOBE) is a consolidated group with more than 10 years of experience. They study the behavior and expectations of individuals, as well as the influence of social norms. His research is at the intersection between Economics, Psychology and Statistics. They do both laboratory work and implementation in the field (field work).

Among his most relevant contributions is the design of mechanisms for measuring and evaluating the impact of interventions. They have worked for the World Bank, CAF, La Caixa Foundation, the Central American Bank for Integration or the Government of Argentina or Peru or the City of London.

Using the Behavioral Economy, they offer organizations the possibility of getting to know their employees and customers better beforehand as well as their information transmission networks.

GLOBE also offers training. Courses for professionals, tailored internal programs and training programs on design of experiments, implementation of interventions, randomized control trials and data analysis.

The main lines of research are the following:
- Preferences and social networks.
- Time preferences and decisions under uncertainty.
- Randomized control trials.
- Impact evaluations with quasi-experimental methodology.
- Nudges.
- Behavioral interventions in schools.


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