SEJ-069: Pensamiento, cognición y conducción
The research group SEJ-069: Thinking, cognition and driving emerged in 2012 from the collaboration of researchers in the area of cognitive psychology, some specialized in the study of thinking and others in the psychology of traffic and driving. Initial collaborative work resulted in publications identifying common errors in drivers' judgment when interpreting various traffic situations.
They study the cognitive processes related to situational awareness (perception, understanding, prediction) and decision-making. His research analyzes what cognitive skills are required for driving and which can be shared by safe drivers in different driving contexts. It also addresses the study of driving experience, and the susceptibility of novice drivers to be trained; personality aspects (sensation seeking, impulsiveness, anger, aggression, sensitivity to reinforcement and punishment) and driving styles (reckless, irascible, anxious, distracted, cautious, etc.)
Since 2004 they have directed research projects, in a competitive modality, granted by the Ministry of Education, Motor Projects, of Excellence and Feder-Andalcía, of the Junta de Andalucía and the CEI-BIOTIC of the UGR and the DGT. With this funding they have developed evaluation tests and training programs.
1st They created the first Hazard Perception test for the evaluation of drivers in the Spanish context. It can be seen on the page of the DGT (General Traffic Directorate), ( form * ion-vial / perception-risk /)
2nd They developed the Hazard Perception test as part of the bus driver accreditation system (for the International Road Transport Organization, Geneva:
3rd They developed a Holistic Hazard Perception test to assess the global traffic situation from the perspective of the pedestrian, the cyclist and the driver.
4th In collaboration with David Crundall (Nottingham Trent University; NTU) they are evaluating the cross-cultural compatibility of the Hazard Prediction Test and the Risk Decision Making Test.
5th. In collaboration with José Luis Padilla, they have carried out the validation of different scales for the measurement of:
- Driving distraction: ARDES (Attention Related to Driving Errors Scale)Driving
- Styles: MDSI (Multidimensional Driving Styles Inventory)
- The role of driving parents on driving their children: FCRSS (Family Climate for Road Safety Scale)
The lines of research are the following:
- Elaboration of an evaluation protocol sensitive to the cognitive processes necessary for driving after suffering brain damage.
- Hazard Prediction Test and Risky Decision Making implemented in PC, APPs, 3D, Elumens. Visionstation to evaluate and train drivers.
- Recidivism in trafficking associated with drug use: Screening, Brief Motivational Intervention (IMB) and Referral to Treatment.
- Inferences in educational and everyday situations.
- The taking of perspective and falsehood.
Group website