SEJ-059: PROFESIOLab: Research Laboratory on Education and Profesionalization
The research group SEJ-059: PROFESIOLab Laboratorio de Investigación en Formación y Profesionalización was born as a multidisciplinary group, with researchers and collaborators not only from the PAIDI field, but also from other prestigious Spanish and international institutions and with a vocation to be linked to the world. business, which is manifested since its inception by its close relationship with the firm labOSfor SL, Spin Off of the University of Granada, a technology-based company of the UGR in the field of international consulting in Higher Education.
Although the founding nucleus is located in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the UGR, due to the very nature of the group and its main lines of work, it is a group open to the incorporation of members of the most diverse disciplines, with the purpose of expanding research horizons and establishing necessary intersections for the generation of new scientific knowledge and its transfers to the company and society.
On the other hand, the PROFESIOLab group, in its relationship with the firm labOSfor, SL, will concentrate its activity not only on research, but will do so fundamentally on the transfer of the knowledge generated to society, through the generation of products of utility for institutions and companies, which will be marketed through the firm labOSfor, SL
Finally, it is a group that was born with the vocation of giving junior researchers the opportunity to advance in their training and professional development to later remain in the group opening new lines of research or join other research groups to which they contribute. the experience in training and professionalization acquired in PROFESIOLab. To promote the transfer of this initial knowledge of junior researchers, we will actively work for the publication of the results of their research, using the Journal for Educators, Teachers, and Trainers JETT as a privileged forum.
His lines of research are the following:
- Capture of expert knowledge using concept maps.
- Social vision of education.
- Use of mathematics in training and professionalization processes.
- Biographical-narrative method.
- Communicative interaction and creative imagination.
- Training and advice for non-university teaching staff.
- Evaluation and Quality.
- Evaluation of competences.
- Deep approach to teaching.
- Higher education.
- Creativity, training and professionalization.
Group website