
EcoLexicon: A knowledge base on the environment

This base continues to be updated and its functions expanded and improved. EcoLexicon represents the conceptual structure of the specialized domain of the environment in the form of a visual thesaurus in which each concept appears in the context of a specialized network that highlights its relationship with other concepts. EcoLexicon provides the linguistic designations for concepts in English, Spanish and German (other languages, such as modern Greek and Russian are currently being added). By bringing together linguistic and graphical information, EcoLexicon satisfies the needs of different user groups (people interested in the environment, students, translators, technical writers, etc.).


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2976 /cms/places/merengue_content_info/68/2976/?lang=en 37.175581614 -3.60363900611 EcoLexicon: A knowledge base on the environment /media/merengue/img/map/default_map_icon.png 1