
Neuropsychology and Activities of Daily Living

Activities of daily living can be understood as multitasking where the sum of cognitive, social and affective demands of routine activities for independence and personal autonomy must be combined with the demands of the environment. Therefore, despite their everyday nature, they are understood as complex activities to study in laboratory environments and it is necessary to complement their study in more realistic environments, in order to increase their ecological and predictive validity. To this end, tools such as immersive and semi-immersive virtual reality systems, together with eye-tracking techniques, can help us understand the complexity of human activity and the underlying cognitive processes. The group is developing a functional cognition assessment task, ECOGFUN-RV, through the multiple errands paradigm, mainly dedicated to assessing instrumental cognitive activities: school, functional mobility, money management, shopping and meal preparation. In this line they have also developed several behavioural tasks to assess and train executive processes such as inhibition of actions towards distracting objects and resolution of conflict situations, as well as metacognitive processes such as awareness and monitoring of errors (i.e. detection and correction) in everyday task contexts.


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