
Forensic analysis

The wide penetration of Information Technology in all sectors of society has resulted in an increase in cybercrime, either directly against computers or against the people who use them. NESG has qualified personnel in terms of computer, network, mobile and legal knowledge to tackle the investigation of this type of crime.

Forensic or cyber forensic analysis involves investigation and analysis to identify, collect and preserve the evidence of electronic devices not only to clarify what happened and remedy the problem, but also so that such evidence can be used as legal evidence. Currently, the evidence can be found on computers, mobile devices, the network or the cloud. Each of these components requires specialized methods, techniques and tools to obtain the necessary evidence.

Currently, in order to reduce the cost of a forensic investigation, it is necessary to have specialized equipment and software to carry out all phases of the forensic process. In this sense, the cybersecurity laboratory has a unit dedicated to such work. Specifically, from NESG we work on the integration of the areas of Digital Forensics and Incident Response to face and adapt the complete process of investigating multiple types of cyber attacks so that the evidence obtained is not legally invalidated.


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  • aviso legal


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