TEP-232: Research and Development in Building Engineering (IDIE)
The research group TEP-232: Research and Development Group in Building Engineering is a consolidated group of the ETS of Building Engineering of the University of Granada, whose research focuses on the diagnosis of materials and structures through mechanical tests and methods non-destructive (NDT) techniques with vibro-acoustic techniques (acoustic emission, ultrasounds and vibrations) and the development of methodologies to actively contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and the promotion of renewable energies in buildings.
The group conducts research and multidisciplinary knowledge transfer on the border between Materials and Structures, Physics, Electronics, Signal Processing, Energy Consumption in Buildings and Energy Efficiency. It has solid collaborations with different departments and companies.
His main lines of research are:
- Non Destructive Testing and Structural Monitoring.
- Wood Technology.
IDIE-IE Section
- Study and characterization of the urban climate alteration phenomenon "Urban Heat Island".
- Study and analysis of radon gas concentrations in buildings.
- Thermal monitoring for environmental comfort.