
Environment, spatial planning and energy

The aim of this line of research is the study of the environment, spatial (urban and regional) planning and energy, and their relations, all from a legal administrative perspective. The group has managed to accumulate a broad academic-educational and research knowledge over the years, as can be seen, for example, in the fact that the group has organised a wide range of formative options for postgraduate courses, among many other scientific and teaching activities.


Collaboration request

  • Full name.

  • Introduzca su correo electrónico

  • Write a contact phone.

  • Write your comments here.

  • aviso legal


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1508 /cms/places/merengue_content_info/74/1508/?lang=en 37.1783601956 -3.6015916995 Environment, spatial planning and energy /media/merengue/img/map/default_map_icon.png 1