SEJ-481: Innovation, Sustainability and Business Development (ISDE)
ISDE began in the University of Granada in 2007, as a specialised development of the Invespyme research group that had existed for 10 years. ISDE has an objective focussed on the area of innovation and sustainability in organisations. The holistic approach allows a better understanding of how management can improve the potential of organisations and regions to contribute to a sustainable world. Its aim is to find management solutions, with the potential to integrate competiveness and sustainability through innovation in the various dimensions of the organisations. Its overall vision is to create knowledge for sustainable development. Its interests are directed internationally, as only a global vision will allow a balance to be maintained between respect for the environment and progress.
The objective of ISDE is to construct solid bridges between research and application, achieving this through dissemination, education and awareness raising. For this reason, they carry out their work for it to be of use to researchers, public administration, private organisations and for management.
ISDE is an organisation accredited by the regional government of Andalusia, Spain (Department of Innovation, Science and Business of the Andalusian Regional Government) and acknowledged by numerous initiatives of national and international institutions, and is a collaborator with public and private agents.
The main lines of research are the following:
- Analysis of individual and corporate entrepreneurs.
- Strategic management of organizations.
- International management. Internationalization of the company.
- Environmental management of organizations.
- Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management.
Group website