Research groups
The research group SEJ-430: OTHERS. Feminist Perspectives in Social Research is an interdisciplinary research group active since 2003 and attached to the Institute for Women's Studies of the University of Granada. It is made up of a group of ...
The SEJ-438 group: Analysis and control of sports performance was created in 2004. Since its constitution, it has provided knowledge in the processes of physical condition assessment in different sports disciplines, populations and environmental settings. His long career in hypoxia ...
The research group SEJ-450: Private property law arises because private law is one of the great areas of law, in which civil and commercial law converge. For this reason, in 2005 a research group made up of researchers from both ...
The research group SEJ-454: Reform of the public function of Andalusia was created in 2007, the period of parliamentary processing of the Basic Statute of Public Employees (EBEP), which attributes to the Autonomous Communities greater powers over the planning and ...
This research group SEJ-459: Environment, spatial planning and energy was created on February 1, 2006, with the aim of deepening the legal study of matters related to Administration, the environment, and spatial planning. and energy. In this way, his main ...
The research group SEJ-470: Science and sport is oriented to the field of Teaching, Learning and Technological development with the general mission of establishing links between Physical and Sports Activity, Economy and Business as well as the Evaluation and control ...
The research group SEJ-476: Economic History, Institutions and Development was created in 2007 with the aim of studying and elaborating analyzes within the framework of development from a historical perspective and with special emphasis on the institutional sphere.It starts ...
The research group SEJ-478: Advanced research in business management, with extensive experience in knowledge transfer to the productive sector, aims to contribute to economic development, addressing areas related to strategy, innovation, knowledge management, information systems, quality management, flexibility, operations management ...
ISDE began in the University of Granada in 2007, as a specialised development of the Invespyme research group that had existed for 10 years. ISDE has an objective focussed on the area of innovation and sustainability in organisations. The holistic ...
The research group SEJ-491: AFRICAInEs. Research and studies applied to development was institutionalized as an Andalusian research group in 2009, although the work began some years before in order to offer research applied to development and cooperation through rigorous research ...
The research group SEJ-492: Granada Lab of Behavioral Economics (GLOBE) is a consolidated group with more than 10 years of experience. They study the behavior and expectations of individuals, as well as the influence of social norms. His research is ...
The SEJ-535 group: Education, Evaluation and Entrepreneurship (E3) is created with the intention of contributing to improve the quality and excellence of Education at all levels. Through collaborative and interdisciplinary work, it aims to transform the structural and personal factors ...
The research group SEJ-658: Laboratory for Cognition, Health, Training and Interaction among Humans, Animals and Machines (CHTI) is a recently created group, which brings together researchers and professionals from different fields for the development of research and innovations in relation ...