RNM-376: Dynamics of orogens and basins
The research group was created in 2009 and aims to bring together different researchers from the University of Granada and CSIC, members of the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences (CSIC-Univ. Granada), with common scientific interests. Our research aims to characterise the structure, evolution and properties of the lithosphere, exploring its influence on the processes that shape the Earth's surface. We work both in continental and oceanic regions, especially in domains where lithospheric plates converge generating orogens that may collapse eventually forming sedimentary basins. We seek the integration of geological data with other geophysical data of diverse nature.
Scientific specialities: The scientific tools and specialties of this group are diverse and cover disciplines as heterogeneous as: structural geology, tectonics, geodynamics, metamorphic petrology, geomorphology, sedimentology and stratigraphy, palaeontology, geological hazards, geophysics (tectonic seismology, gravimetry, multichannel seismic, well logging, heat flow, magnetism, magnetotellurics, etc.). Our studies aim to establish the structural organisation of orogens and sedimentary basins, establishing the geometry, kinematics and thermal conditions of deformations. In sedimentary basins, for example, we integrate their stratigraphic architecture and biochronology with deformations, sedimentation characteristics with subsidence, to finally understand the mechanisms of hydrocarbon generation and trapping, if any. In orogenic regions with active deformation, we analyse the origin of seismic activity, linking it to faults affecting the earth's surface and assessing possible associated geological hazards.
The main lines of research are the following:
- Diapirism in sedimentary basins.
- Orogenic processes in the Betic-Rifeño Arch.
- Relations between seismicity and faults in the Betic Cordillera and the Rif.
- Tectonics and sedimentation in sedimentary basins such as those of Betica and the Rif.