HUM-388: Human psychophysiology and health
The group studies the physiological and psychological mechanisms that underlie human emotions. Its main aims are to make progress in understanding the complex relations between emotions and the biological body that sustains them and to use this understanding to develop new clinical applications that contribute to reducing human suffering and make current psychological treatments more effective and efficient. From a methodological standpoint, a distinguishing feature of the group is that it integrates both peripheral and central physiological measurements of emotion with behavioural and subjective measurements. From the theoretical standpoint, the group seeks to integrate emotional and cognitive processes. One of the group’s fundamental research themes, where these elements converge, is the study in human beings of the emotional and attention mechanisms of the two primary motivational systems: defensive (related with negative emotions) and appetitive (related with positive emotions). The clinical applications of this line of research have addressed four types of disorder: anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictive disorders and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.