
Study and chemical characterisation of components in works of art

The achievements made and expected to be made with this line of research have a very significant scientific and technological impact mainly in the areas of the study of materials and the conservation of heritage in the scientific, institutional, professional, social and economic spheres. The main advances will be in the improvement of sampling, non-invasive in situ analysis and improvements in data interpretation. This knowledge will have an impact on decision-making in the restoration workshop to ensure the durability of our heritage.
The results obtained are susceptible to exploitation and transfer to different agents, mainly public, such as research centres, universities, restoration centres, museums or archaeological sites, within the field of action of the protection, conservation and dissemination of cultural heritage, but also private, such as companies dedicated to the restoration of cultural assets and the creation of computer methodology and systems for the analysis of materials in cultural heritage.
The main institutions supporting this line of research are the Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada, Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada, Villa Romana del Salar, South Florida Art Conservation (USA) and eXaminART (USA) among others.


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