Research lines
Advanced separative techniques for the characterisation of functional foods and bioactive compounds in plant and food matrices
A large part of the group's work involves solving single-crystal and powder crystal structures. As it is a tool used generically by the whole group, there is no particular ...
Study of the academic social networks generated by research processes, the mechanisms of dissemination and the impact that it has on the scientific community, the visibility and identification of authors ...
The research on compounds within radiopharmaceutical interest is carried out in the Radiopharmacy unit located in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UGR and is coordinated by personnel of our ...
In this field, researchers are studying a general strategy for efficiently applying algorithms based on information supplied by the first-passage-time location function (FPTL), which allows the variation range of the ...
To develop new mathematical algorithms based on complex networks of basic information-processing units (neurons), and its storage in the connections between them (synapses), with novel emergent properties with use in ...
Study of the properties of ultra-cold quantum gases and the formation of collective states
Development of analytical methods for the characterisation and quantification of the proportion of olive oil, of the different categories, in foods containing it as an ingredient, including blends with other ...
This line of research is focussed on the study of the interaction between algebra and analysis with applications to Fourier Analysis. Harmonic analysis in Banach Spaces.
The group studies the use of Michael-type additions between compounds bearing a vinyl sulfone group and the chemical moieties present in biomolecules. This methodology has allowed us to glycosylate proteins ...
We study the mineralisation mechanisms used by living organisms to form hard tissues (e.g. bones and teeth). Based on this knowledge, we develop new materials with applications in health ...
This line of research focuses on the study of the sexual reproduction mechanism in zygomycetes. Specifically, the group studies the metabolites of various zygomycete fungi, among others, the mucorales Phycomyces ...
Intuitively, the calibration techniques are based on the following supposition: if the data of a survey are capable of correctly estimating the known totals of the auxiliary variables, they will ...
- Multispectral techniques for capturing colour images, recognition of reflectances, illuminants and objects.- Spectral recovery of radiances and reflectances from digital images.- Optimisation and design of optical sensors in multispectral systems ...
Se desarrollan diferentes técnicas de medida para describir el funcionamiento eléctrico de diferentes dispositivos electrónicos. Posteriormente se hace el tratamiento numérico de los datos obtenidos.
Characterisation of natural products in beer, oils and honeys by advanced separative techniques.
Tensión superficial e interfacial. Reología interfacial dilatacional. Formación y estabilidad de emulsiones y espumas. Tamaño de gota/burbuja. Coalescencia, Floculación, drenaje. Microscopía.
The mean curvature vector field encodes much of the extrinsic geometry of a spatial subvariety and influences the structure of the spacetime containing that subvariety. When the codimension is 2 ...
Numerical simulations of the temporal and spatial evolution of the chemical element abundances in the Universe.
Application of statistical treatments for the optimisation of analytical processes and for improving the quality of information obtained from multivariate experimental data (from two and three ways) derived primarily from ...