FQM-207: Atomic and molecular physics
The “Atomic and Molecular Physics” group was formed in the 1980s. Although its initial research centred on the field of nuclear physics, the group subsequently became interested in the behaviour of isolated atoms and molecules in the presence of electromagnetic fields (electrical and magnetic fields and lasers), as well as in non-linear systems and the use of classical and quantum information theory in various types of quantum systems (mainly atoms and molecules). The group comprises physicists, mathematicians and chemists due to the extensive requirements inherent to the study of such systems. In this respect, the high computational needs of the group when carrying out its studies should be highlighted. Furthermore, the collaboration of some group members with various European experimental laboratories, and the strong links and international exchange agreements with prestigious researchers in this field are also worth mentioning.
The main lines of research are as follows:
- Control and manipulation of atoms and molecules by means of external fields.
- Physics of information in quantum systems (atoms, molecules, chemical reactions).
- Special functions of mathematical physics and applied mathematics.
- Non-linear systems.
- Nanoscience.
- Quantum information. Determination of entropies of quantum systems by means of special function techniques.
- Non-linearity and dynamics of DNA.
- Study of atomic and molecular systems by means of density functionals, inequality methods and maximisation techniques.
- Atoms and molecules in strong electric and magnetic fields.
Group web page