Servicios tecnológicos
Advice on clinical trials and drug trials in children
Advice on the design of radioactive techniques for specific studies
Analysis of bowel inflammation by various techniques: Quantitative RT-PCR, histology, myeloperoxidase and alkaline phosphatase, etc.
Analysis of leukocyte populations by flow cytometry.
Analysis of transepithelial transport using mulitphoton microscopy.
Analytical determination of tensioactives and fatty acids (HPLC, GC, MBAS, iodine-iodide)
Animal hypertension models
Lymphocyte transfer model, TNBS, dextran sulphate, iodoacetamide, acetic acid, monochloramine, HLA B27 transgenic rats, IL10 -/- mice, ileitis by TNBS.
Animal obesity models.
Application of radioactive techniques in biomedical research concerning the preparation of labelled compounds for pharmacokinetic studies (preparation, quality control of labelling, etc.) and of biodistribution
Arterial pressure measurement by plethysmography.
Caracterización de estructuras químicas
Carrying out of clinical tests of analgesic type pharmacological products
Chemical study of endemic and aromatic plants of the Iberian Peninsula, Morocco and South America. Selective extractions, structural elucidation and bioactivity tests.
Clinical trials of anti-epileptic drugs.
Clinical trials of drugs for the treatment of primary headaches.
Clinical trials of psychoactive drugs for the treatment of fibromyalgia.
Construction of artificial tissues for therapeutic use or for the evaluation of pharmacological or toxic products without the need to use experimental animals (replacement of animal experimentation).
Esto se aplica principalmente a sensores químicos, pero el grupo está trabajando para ampliarlo a cualquier tipo de instrumentación portátil, incluidos sensores comerciales
Desarrollo de medicamentos celulares