
Periodontitis and its relationship with systemic diseases

Periodontitis is an oral disease of infectious origin that begins with inflammation of the gums and, without treatment, spreads to the destruction of the dental support tissues (periodontal ligament, connective tissue and alveolar bone) with mobility and tooth loss. A dysbiotic subgingival biofilm, an altered immune response and the action of some risk factors, would be behind the onset and progression of this lesion. Periodontitis may also be a risk factor for other diseases.
The research group studies periodontal disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) as a risk factor for systemic diseases, such as:

A. Myocardial infarction.

B. Premature births and low birth weight newborns.

C. Atherosclerosis. Control of hypertension, obesity or high cholesterol.

D. Erectile dysfunction in men.


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