CTS-009: Innovation, monitoring and follow-up in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and biomedicine
The research group CTS-009: Innovation, monitoring and follow-up in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and biomedicine was born in 2011 with the intention of joining forces among professionals in the health area with the common interest of advancing biomedical knowledge through training and fundamentally research. The composition of the group is enriched not only by the diversity of health specialists that make it up, but also by the combination of different paths of professional development: clinical, research and teaching, all of which provides juicy perspectives and possibilities for focus and development. In addition, each of the researchers has a previous and parallel individual personal trajectory of research that has been added to that of the group as such, which increases the contacts and possible lines of research.
The main lines of research are the following:
- Assessment and intervention in cardio-respiratory pathology
- Assessment and intervention in central neurological pathology
- Assessment and intervention in pediatric population
- Assessment and intervention of the oncological population
- Assessment and intervention of Pain and Functionality