Servicios tecnológicos
Accessibility studies in historic buildings and centres.
Advice on historical studies for heritage projects
Advice on hydrology and hydrogeology.
Advice on the application of the consolidation method for ornamental stone patented by members of the group
Advice to public and private entities on geotechnical problems of the ground for civil and building works.
Advice, consultancy, undertaking of plans and projects in which territorial variables play a part
Analysis of accidents due to human error
Analysis of mathematical models applied to science or engineering
Analysis of operational safety in industry
Analysis of the life cycle in engineering projects
Análisis de emisiones y contaminantes químicos durante la fabricación y puesta en obra de mezclas bituminosas
Application of high resolution methods to obtain: subsoil morphologies, status of compaction and fracturing of materials, measurement of parameters for civil engineering work, geology
Archaeological excavations and prospections supporting public or private works
Architectural surveying: definition of a topographical, metrical and critical-constructive model.
Asesoramiento en eco-materiales. Construcción sostenible
Automatic reconstruction of three dimensional models of objects.
Caracterización mecánica tradicional, estudio avanzado y caracterización reológica de ligantes y másticos bituminosos
Caracterización y estudio del comportamiento mecánico de áridos y filler para la fabricación de mezclas bituminosas
Carrying out of geotechnical tests of soil and rock samples.
Carteles explicativos sobre reconstrucciones de patrimonio