Servicios tecnológicos
To comply with article 15.2 of Law 1/2006 of 25 May that amends the Urban Planning Law and establishes that the "environmental sustainability report of the planning instruments ...
Application to territories with civil works, buildings and urban areas.
Preservation of architectural heritage using georadar
Projects of conservation and restoration of the architectural heritage.
Prototyping urban borders in city-rural transitions and in peri-urban areas
Registration, creation and editing of 3D models
Electro-resistance study of the subsoil structure: Electrical tomography, vertical electrical soundings, electromagnetic profiles, magnetotelluric prospecting (from 1 m to 100 km deep: applications in geological engineering, hydrogeology and geological risks ...
Reuse of infrastructures and rehabilitation of slum areas and obsolete productive areas
Analysis of stability of slopes and embankments on rocky massifs and soils subject to erosion and seismic activity.
Strategies and management plans for soil and public resources
Studies of the structure of geological bodies of industrial and/or mining interest.
Studies of the suitability of drainage in underground works.
Study of the state of preservation of roads
Study of the urban problems of historic town centres.
Urban and regional consultancy
Urban planning
Visualisation in virtual reality systems