Servicios tecnológicos
Molecular genetic techniques
Molecular modelling
Molecular typing of pathogens isolated from foods
Obtaining and labelling of DNA probes
Obtaining bacteriocin by culturing the producing strain using a whey derivative as substrate
Organic synthesis
Cell culture technology and organotypic cultures in animals
Paraffin embedding and serial sectioning laboratory techniques
Parentage analysis
Performance of clinical trials (phase II, III, IV) for the pharmaceutical industry for molecules already on the market and those in their pre-authorisation stages (phases II and III). The main ...
For the identification of regulation and interaction modules. The group has tools that deal with the noise that characterises biological data and allows the extraction of the relevant knowledge.
Phenotypic and molecular identification of microorganisms
Phylogenetic studies
Plant and animal chromosome analysis
Predictive studies of the impact of microbial processess on the deep geological storage of radioactive waste.
Preparation and chemical analysis of diets in physiological and pathological situations
Preparation of histological sections for observation with optical microscopy
Preparation of samples for transmission and scanning electron microscopy
Primary cultures of macrophages and lymphocytes
Producción y formulación de biofertilizantes-micorriza