Research groups
The research group AGR-206: Food, Nutrition and Absorption was created in 1990. It is made up of five doctor researchers who belong to the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Pharmacy and are also members of INYTA "José Matais ...
El grupo de invesigación AGR-260 Alimentación, nutrición y salud se creó en diciembre de 2009. Sus miembros senior habían formado parte del grupo AGR-145 desde sus inicios (1995) y, en un determinado momento, el desarrollo de ...
El grupo de investigación AGR-269 Tecnologías avanzadas de producción y formulación de biofertilizantes dedica su investigación principal a estudios de Bioefectores y Bioestimulantes. Además, tiene conocimiento y experiencia en todo tipo de microorganismos y ...
This research group started in 1985, and since then its scientific activity has been consolidated in various lines of research, which have been mainly focused on the study of different aspects related to the development cycle of myxobacteria, as well ...
This research group was formed more than two decades ago and has been dedicated to the study of mammalian reproduction. The laboratory has the equipment necessary to carry out this research, which is focused to unravel specific aspects of the ...
This research group has extensive experience in the design of enzymatic processes, as well as the development and fine tuning of biomolecule purification and stabilisation processes. It specialises in the design and control of enzymatic reactors for obtaining protein hydrolysates ...
This research group started in 1988 and since then has carried out extensive research on antimicrobial peptides produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB); for example, bacteriocins, and mainly in the species of: Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis ...
This research group was formed in 1995, and since then some of the main investigations have been on the proposal of a nearly neutral model of the evolution of B chromosomes. They have demonstrated, using DNA sequence analysis, the autosomal ...
This research group was formed in 1995. Its research is principally dedicated to the diagnostics, epidemiology and treatment of parasitic diseases, especially two endemic diseases in Spain, leishmaniasis and anisakidosis.
The scientific interests of this research group are based on research into the development processes of the central nervous system (CNS) of birds and mammals, using the retina as a study model.
The group's main research line involves the study of halophilic bacteria living in extreme environments, especially the application of polysaccharides and other polymers obtained from them in the food, cosmetics and paint industries, agricultural bioremediation and medicine. We also ...
This research group has been restructured since 1996 in the Physical Chemistry Department of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the University of Granada.
This research group was formed in 1995, its research activity is based on the study of halophilic and probiotic microorganisms and the obtaining of microbial products that can be of interest in environmental bioremediation processes.
This research group was created in 1995, its research activity is principally focussed on two major lines: the improvement of species of interest in aquaculture and the molecular genetics of vegetables.It actively collaborates with national and international universities, other ...
The BIO-201 "Microbial Immunology" research group was set up in 1988 and was consolidated by the Andalusian Research Plan from the beginning. Since then, it has been under the direction of Prof. Ruiz-Bravo and its scientific activity has focused on ...
The research group BIO-212: Biochemical and Genetic Regulation of Metabolism studies from the molecular point of view the mechanisms of regulation of gene expression that affect metabolism in pathophysiological situations in humans and animal experimental models.This includes the identification ...
This research group has been working for 20 years on the energy structure in proteins and its application to their design and engineering, making use of tools such as molecular biology, computational biochemistry, biochemical kinetics and bioinformatics. In collaboration with ...
The Process and Development group was created on 1 January 1995, and was initially dedicated to the stereological analysis (processing of bidimensional images towards understanding of the 3D structure) in cells and tissues and to its application in embryonic development ...
This research group was formed in 1995, at that time its research activity was focussed on the study of epidemiology of the anisakidosis larvae in commercial fish, as well as the in vitro study of the biological cycle of certain ...
This research group was created in 1995, basing its scientific activity is primarily based on obtaining new pharmaceuticals from the viewpoint of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and of the development of new bioremediation processes from the viewpoint of Microbiology.The research group ...