Servicios tecnológicos
Accessibility studies in historic buildings and centres.
Advice on aquifer management.
Advice on historical studies for heritage projects
Advice on relations with the Arab world
Advice to businesses and institutions which decide to set up operations and carry out activities in that geographical area about languages, cultures and Slavic peoples and the Caucasus region
Advice to public and private entities on geotechnical problems of the ground for civil and building works.
Advice, consultancy, undertaking of plans and projects in which territorial variables play a part
Advisory service for local authorities and political parties on the decision to outsource local public services, particularly the supply of urban water
Asesoría a las unidades de gestión del servicio urbano de aguas, ayuntamientos o empresas, sobre el diseño de tarifas para el abastecimiento, el saneamiento y la depuraci ...
Advisory service on matters of countries’ immunities, diplomatic protection, freedom of movement within the EU, competition law in the EU, etc
Analysis of accidents due to human error
Analysis of activity sectors (particularly services)
Realización de análisis comparativos para conocer el posicionamiento de la empresa en el contexto de la industria, descubrir mejores prácticas y detectar posibles estrategias para mejorar su ...
Analysis of institutional quality
In order to propose actions for correcting or minimising them using the procedures set out in the E.L.C. (protection, management, planning).
Contributing useful criteria to forms of public action and proposing the maintenance of favourable situations. Correcting or improving unfavourable situations in accordance with the procedures set out in the E ...
In order to contribute to their better understanding and evaluation.
In order to set out recommendations that enable social maintenance and evaluation.
drawing up localisation maps, determining the mitigation required to reduce their impact and limiting the harmful actions.
Technical support: Application of participatory methodologies in projects of community social intervention.