Research groups
The “Chemical and Biochemical Process Technology” research group (TEP-025) is formed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers with ample experience in the chemical engineering field. The main objectives of the group’s research are concerned with the treatment of industrial ...
El grupo de investigación TIC-024: Software libre para la optimización, búsqueda y aprendizaje GeNeura se crea con el objetivo principal de utilizar software en el ámbito de los problemas de optimización y aprendizaje, utilizando métodos ...
The multidisciplinary research group TIC-105: ECsens. Electronic and Chemical Sensing Solutions, established in 2000 by researchers from the Departments of Analytical Chemistry and Electronics and Computer Technology of the University of Granada, aims to design, develop and manufacture portable electronic ...
The TIC-186 research group was created in 2001 by several researchers in the area of Soft Computing. The group research activity and transfer of results is focuesed on Soft Computing techniques: fuzzy systems, evolutionary computing, memetic algorithms, genetic fuzzy systems ...
This research group has the principal objective of researching the development of computational systems that are in the vanguard of artificial intelligence. Some of the investigations carried out by the research group are: the development of conversational systems that interact ...