Research lines
Various applications of signal processing for management, mining, data analysis, etc.
Las herramientas, comerciales o realizadas por el grupo, para el estudio de todos estos efectos, incluyen diferentes aproximaciones, desde simples modelos clásicos, como el de difusión-deriva, hasta modelos ...
El objetivo fundamental de esta línea es desarrollar modelos teóricos, implementaciones que permitan tratar con información imprecisa e incierta en bases de datos. Por ejemplo representar y ...
Desarrollo de sistemas expertos de interés y para el estudio de empresas. Se basa en el aprendizaje automático de protocolos de actuación para la toma de decisiones ...
Line dedicated to the development of network quality IoT meters, as well as the intelligent management of smart grids and advanced battery management systems.
Reglas de asociación difusas. Modelos de representación y visualización de reglas de asociación. Fusión de información mediante técnicas de minería de datos.
Promoción, estudio y desarrollo del software libre a través de un enfoque de ciencia abierta.
Of special interest to the group are the most significant aspects of embedded computing that are related to software. This encompasses design, development, deployment, debugging, use and evaluation of software ...
The goal of speech generation is to generate an oral message in response to the sentence spoken by the user. Two processes are usually used for this. The first is ...
The goal of speech understanding is to analyze the sequence of words provided by the speech recognizer in order to obtain an abstract representation of the phrase spoken by the ...
Structured data mining.
Development of semi-classic transport methods (monte carlo, single particle, ensemble, multi subband) including quantic effects. Some designs and alternatives to point out are: use of silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates ...
Super-resolution of compressed and uncompressed still images and video sequences
The objectives within this research line are aimed at applying computer science methods to the modelling and simulation of biological systems
Collaborative learning, e-learning.
The main lines of research in this area are:Network information systems. Systems for electronic commerce. Mobile internet.
The main lines of research in this area are: Methods and systems for simulation on the WWW. Computer aided learning systems. Systems for the management and publication of documents.
Time series analysis and forecast
The objective in this topic is the development of new open software platforms, frameworks, architectures and technologies that make feasible the integration of services, networks and systems, as well as ...
Developing interactive products, taking usability into account as a measure of the quality of the products designed