Research lines
The complexity of current systems and services entails an increase in the volume and variety of information available, as well as the risks associated with it. From this perspective, the ...
Development of multiuser software, preferably for the web, that allows the gathering and centralised distribution of biological information, such as genetic factors (allelic sequences) or gene expression data processed in ...
The group is working on the development of new instrumentation techniques, and on the integration of recent advances in web technology, operating systems and heterogeneous embedded devices for measurement systems ...
Definition of measures, based on features and on the gain of information, that can predict the visibility of an object of interest in a natural background. Target distinction: we are ...
En este caso y relacionada con nuestras soluciones para la orquestación del núcleo de la red 5G/6G, esta línea parte de la hipótesis de que ...
Tomographic reconstruction, spatial normalization, feature extraction, supervised classification, computer-aided diagnosis.
Mejora de los procesos de selección y de desarrollo de carrera.
Aplicación de lógica fuzzy, algoritmos de colonias de hormigas, redes neuronales y otras metaheurísticas para resolución de problemas, incluyendo predicción.
More and more, teachers are seeing the need to teach their students the tools that allow them to self-regulate, pay attention, learn to learn and fine-tune their learning instruments. The ...
Researchers are interested in recent innovations and advances in design, implementation, development, deployment and use of platforms based on middleware, as well as in architectures and programming models on which ...
Esta línea incluye todos los procedimientos implicados en el análisis textual y de web, en convivencia con datos estructurados provenientes de bases de datos al uso.En los ...
El objetivo fundamental de esta línea es establecer nuevas técnicas de minería de datos utilizando Conjuntos y Lógica Difusos partiendo de datos que pueden ser imprecisos ...
Model identification.
El diseño de las nuevas generaciones de redes móviles 5G y 6G se caracteriza por la “softwarización” de la red, adoptando para ello los paradigmas SDN (Software-Defined ...
This line covers: grammatical inference (Crisp/Fuzzy) using recurrent neural networks; algorithms for improving the training of neural networks; algorithms for the optimisation of neural network topologies; rule extraction from ...
- Simulación de sistemas neuronales en tiempo real: neuro-robótica.- Diseño de sistemas neuromórficos orientados a percepción visual.
Predicción, detección de patrones y anomalías en Series Temporales de Cantidades Masivas de Datos (Big Data Time Series); dichas series podrán contener datos numéricos, simb ...
The group works on different formalisms to represent uncertainty: Probability theory, possibility theory, evidence theory, imprecise probability theory, among others, as well as the concepts and operators necessary to handle ...
Decision-making through computers, with Artificial Intelligence techniques, is extremely important. In this line of research, methodologies for conflict resolution, negotiations or reaching consensus in different areas (personnel selection, courts of ...
Optimisation algorithms