Research lines
Application of ground penetrating radars (GPR)
Predicción de series temporales. Identificación de sistemas y simulación automática. Mejora de la eficiencia energética en edificios y smart grids. Análisis de la desinformaci ...
- Applications in signal processing (voice, blind signal separation, independent component analysis). - Applications of intelligent control. - Evolutionary computation. - New neural network models based on RBF. - Biomedical applications of information technologies.
In this line of research we deal with the design, development and practical implementation of automatic decision-making systems, that is, without the direct intervention of people, which facilitate and improve ...
The purpose of automatic speech recognition is to analyze the voice of the user of a Spoken Dialogue System to obtain the sequence of words that the user has spoken ...
Development of algorithms for automatic learning of predictive models of the individual risk of complex diseases. In addition to the genetic factors as input variables, research is being carried out ...
Research on navigation of mobile robots, robot-person interaction, vision and learning techniques both classical and based on deep learning (deep learning) applied to robotics, of great interest for the development ...
We work or have worked on extraction of features in digital images, shape recognition, multi-resolution processing with applications to biomedicine, astronomy or cartography. Currently we develop restoration techniques with special ...
Signal modeling in time series, spatial processes and bioelectric signals.
Bayesian restoration and reconstructing of images. Applications in astronomy and medicine
Development of computer applications in biomedicine
Aplicación de técnicas computacionales y de Aprendizaje Automático para el análisis de datos masivos en biomedicina y ciencias ómicas para la identificación de biomarcadores con ...
Biological effects of electromagnetic fields
The research group maintains a line dedicated to the development of biomedical instrumentation, mainly for electrocardiography and fetal electrocardiography and based on the use of reconfigurable technologies.
Processing of biometric signals, EEG signals, ECG, inertial signals, etc.
Within this scope, the group works to define strategies, tools and procedures for the use of data in a company with the aim of facilitating decision-making (Data Warehouse, OLAP; knowledge ...
Support vector machines, random forest, clustering based on Gaussian mixing in industrial applications.
Classifying and recovering images and videos from content
Study of the interaction that occurs in software systems, particularly in group work systems and systems with advanced interaction with users (mobile and tactile systems, video games, etc.).
Research based on compact modelling of multigate devices, with emphasis on low power RF circuit applications. At the heart of this line of research, the group developed tasks for obtaining ...