Research lines
Study of evasion in popular economic strategies of the “informal sector”, caused by the formation of networks among African women, knowledge of informal but effective institutional mechanisms, and the operation ...
Specific attention to the response that the public system, at the central, regional or local Administration level, offers to environmental problems, with special attention to those located in Andalusia. Public ...
Studies of efficiency and equality in the operation of the Treasury, from the viewpoint of both income and expenditure. Taxation, tax-collecting efficiency.
Research within the framework of equality of access, measurement of need, efficiency in public health spending, autonomous funding, economic evaluation of health policies and products.
En esta línea estudiamos las trasformaciones ambientales de los sistemas socio-económicos contemporáneos, incluyendo los cambios en el uso de recursos, los impactos ambientales, las relaciones de intercambio ...
Educational, professional and personal guidance and orientation actions are carried out for students aimed at working on security, self-esteem and the capacity for cognitive, emotional and social self-regulation necessary to ...
We work with the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology for the comparative study of business efficiency. Useful for companies with many management units that want to detect best practices, as ...
The current environmental problem makes it necessary for both public administrations and the personnel at their service to collaborate to make them more efficient in order to help minimize the ...
New contracting systems. Consideration of the Information Services Act. E-banking, Insurance and electronic contracting. Acquisition of electronic tickets.
Study of Spanish political elites from 1833 to 1977. Study of the political careers of the members of parliament, senators, MEPs, ministers and presidents of the current political system at ...
It focuses on researching the energy transition process in Spain and its adaptation to the energy transition in Europe: environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects. In addition, it includes works focused ...
Research on programs, projects or actions aimed at promoting and improving among the child and youth population the non-cognitive skills, attitudes and mentality necessary to turn creative ideas into actions ...
The aim of this line of research is the study of the environment, spatial (urban and regional) planning and energy, and their relations, all from a legal administrative perspective. The ...
The processes of environmental degradation translate into the loss of soil fertility, the reduction of food production and a decrease in the income of the associated economic sectors. The misuse ...
Environmental management of organisations.
Estudio de las aportaciones que la crítica feminista viene realizando al método etnográfico.
Analysis of gender equality policies and plans at local, autonomous community, national and international level. Integration, analysis and evaluation of the gender viewpoint in labour market studies, socio-occupational policies, political ...
Análisis de Política de Defensa, tanto de España como de otros países. Estudios sobre comunicación estratégica y cultura de defensa, y donde se inserta ...
Protección de los derechos humanos de las personas trans e intersex; despatologización de la diversidad corporal y de género; promoción del respeto a la diversidad corporal ...
Research on specific discrimination of an ethnic and religious kind. Special attention is given to discrimination towards immigrants and the specific discrimination towards Muslim people and communities. Validation of social ...