Servicios tecnológicos
Ichnological analysis; application in hydrocarbon exploitation.
Identification of airborne pollens and spores, and the emergence period and specific area, relating them to clinical cases of respiratory allergy.
Identifying and quantifying plankton organisms from lakes and reservoirs
Implementation of dissemination platforms for content and collaborative participation in projects related to biodiversity and conservation
Improvement of production of plant-based raw materials
The UGR Herbarium has a query area, devoted to receive researchers that want to check the fundings. It has three workstations: two for taxonomic queries and the other to Access ...
In vitro determination of potential skin irritation of tensioactives using the modified Xenia test
Information on the fertility of the soils
Information on the physical and chemical characteristics of a particular area
Interpretation of palaeoenvironments
Isolating and identifying resistant eggs from zooplankton and fossil structures present in sedimentsIsolating and identifying resistant eggs from zooplankton and fossil structures present in sediments
Landscape integration studies
All the registered materials in the collections are available for lendin, except those which its handling and shiping wouldn’t be indicated. In these cases a digital image could be ...
Location of ferrous elements using magnetic prospecting techniques
Location studies of potential geological stores of CO2.
Low temperature thermochronological studies applied to the evolution of the relief, sedimentary basins, temperatures reached by the sediments and organic material, etc.
Maintenance, conservation and dissemination of vegetal biodiversity collections
Management of threatened terrestrial vertebrate populations
Marine Coastline Pollution Control
For simulation of particular operational scenarios in the aquifers.