Servicios tecnológicos
Estudio de la Comunidad Procariota, Eucariota y Virica en Sistemas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales.
Estudios Fisicoquímicos de control de procesos de depuración: TOC, SS, DBO, DQO, tec.
Estudios de biología molecular: Analisis de secuenciación masiva. Bioinformatica.
Estudios de movilidad, accesibilidad y transporte
Estudios de viabilidad para la valorización de residuos sólidos.
All the necessary steps necessary for the production and purification of a protein from 2 L of culture
Fauna inventories of continental vertebrates
Feasible and specific solutions in rehabilitation and conservation processes for historic buildings, using a range of analytical, modern and solving instrumentation:Polarisation and fluorescence optical microscopyX-ray diffraction and fluorescence ...
Formulation and manufacture of feed for fish
Geochemical and mineralogical analysis; palaeo-climatic and palaeo-environmental applications. Facies of economic interest.
Geological and geophysical testimony of sedimentary rocks.
Geological and geophysics assessment of subsoil areas for the storage of CO2
Geological excursions showing outcrop analogues of storage rock.
Geotechnical characterisation of unstable ground.
High precision chemical analysis service for petrology studies
Historic-constructive studies.
Historical and current vegetation mapping. Photo-interpretation and field studies
Hydraulic limestone mortars compatible with restoration work on historic buildings and heritage of cultural interest.
Hydric balances and soil infiltration
Ichnological analyses; palaeo-environmental studies. Environmental characteristics; oxygenation and nutrients.