Servicios tecnológicos
Soil mapping
Soil taxonomy description (FAO-WRB System and Soil Taxonomy)
Solid waste management advice
Space time studies of relic plant species for their conservation.
International School of Biological Crystallisation (focused on the crystallisation of macromolecules and biological compounds, School of Crystallisation (focused on the crystallisation of pharmaceutical compounds, agrochemicals ...
Analysis of stability of slopes and embankments on rocky massifs and soils subject to erosion and seismic activity.
Strategic environmental assessment
Strategies and management plans for soil and public resources
Stratigraphic and ecostratigraphic interpretation
Structural characterisation in three dimensions of sedimentary basins with complex deformations, on the joint interpretation of seismic profiles and well logging
Studies of the behaviour of volcanic rocks against external agents and of their alteration products for industrial use (for example, bentonites).
Studies of the dispersion and mixture of invasive species, and conventional and unconventional contaminants in the continental aquatic environment. Studies of tracers
Studies of the structure of geological bodies of industrial and/or mining interest.
Studies of the suitability of drainage in underground works.
Studies of water quality in rivers and reservoirs, in response to anthropic actions
Studies on Treatment Systems for Different Wastewaters or Contaminated Effluents
Studies on the Biogeochemical Cycles in Different Natural Ecosystems
Studies on the energy-from-solid-waste recovery via thermal treatment
Studies over vertebrates biology and ecology
Study and identification of rock samples