Research lines
Identifying zooplankton species. Interactions between plankton populations. Impact of fish on aquatic communities. Patterns of biodiversity, etc.
Impact of atmospheric aerosols in remote lakes, and their importance as a system of global dispersion.
Study of the biology and ecology of the Bonelli's eagle in the south east of the Iberian Peninsula.
Study of the ontogeny of the pollen grain in angiosperm species, for compressing the evolution of pollen characters and its application in phylogeny, agriculture, etc.
- Biofiltros y de Lechos móviles, aplicables al tratamiento de efluentes industriales y urbanos.- Desarrollo de unidades móviles para el tratamiento local de aguas subterráneas contaminadas. - Estudio de ...
- Tecnologías MBR en distintas configuraciones: Combinación de tecnologías de membrana con fotobiorreactores para el tratamiento de aguas residuales y valorización de residuos. Desarrollo de biorreactores MBBR-MBR ...
- Desarrollo de sistemas bioadsorbentes. Aplicación de inoculantes con alto poder de degradación de hidrocarburos. Biorreactores a nivel de planta piloto y real para el tratamiento de efluentes procedentes ...
- Aplicación de sistemas de remediación in-situ y ex-situ. Pilas de compostacion utilizando procesos de atenuación natural, bioaumento o bioestimulacion.- Recuperación de suelos: Aplicación de fango ...
Bird-bacterial mutualism
Bird-parasite coevolution
Brood parasitism
Catalysts have mainly been developed for the catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds, in low concentrations and at low temperatures, hydrogenation of carbon oxides and hydrogenolysis of alkanes
Developing new processes to remove organic and inorganic pollutants from water for human consumption and waste water, and assess solid waste.
Studying volatile organic pollutant recovery from gas emissions in dynamic regime, using granular or powdered carbons and monolithic materials obtained by consolidating activated carbon powders.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the services that ecosystems provide to society. Socio-economic characterisation of the land and of the impact of human activities on the ecosystems.
Expansiveness of marls and characterisation of carbonated soils. Comparative studies between soils of Tetuán in Morocco and Granada. Preliminary studies of land for the siting of dumps, urban developments ...
The LEC has extensive experience in the determination of molecular structures by X-ray diffraction. Their experience in crystallisation allows them to carry out structural research on compounds that are difficult ...
Línea dedicada al análisis y reflexión de la ciudad en el contexto Latinoamericano y Mediterráneo, en su forma urbana y social, en sus proyectos, en sus ...
Analysis of determining and activation factors for slope movements. For this, use is made of geographical information systems. Preparation of susceptibility maps, hazard maps and their validation, and risk maps.