
HUM-150: Andalusian cities under Islam

The research group was created in 1988 with the aim of co-ordinating efforts of several teaching staff and researchers in the field of Arab studies, and with the aim of studying the culture of al-Andalus in general and particularly the history, language and literature of the towns and cities that form part of the present-day region of Andalusia during the Arab/Muslim dominion. Most of the group’s current members belong to the University of Granada, although there are also teaching staff from universities in Málaga, Rabat (Morocco), Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and Beirut (Lebanon).

The group’s activities deal with both political history and its techniques, such as institutional, literary and intellectual life in general, contacts with the Maghreb, and texts and how they were edited; in other words, to what extent one way or another did it affect towns and cities in Andalusia during this period of history and culture.

The group’s main objectives involve the study and research of the history and culture of al-Andalus, particularly the towns and cities in Andalusia during the Islamic period, although studies are also carried out regarding medieval Arab/Islamic culture in general: literature, law, religion, women’s studies, etc.

Other study aims include the diplomatic and cultural relations of al-Andalus with North Africa during the Middle Ages, and travellers moving in both directions during that time.

The main basis of the group’s research are the Arabic sources: their study, edition and/or translation are the main tool for achieving the objectives set.

The main contribution to businesses and institutions is the information and advisory service provided on matters of history, literature, Islamic law, toponymy and the culture of al-Andalus in general, helping various sectors including journalists, cinema and television producers, the army, the diplomatic corps, museums and exhibitions, etc


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