Servicios tecnológicos
Numeric hydrodynamic modelling and transport in beds and estuaries
Numerical modelling of flooding
Occupational hazard prevention management in building projects and their implementation
Optimising infrastructure conservation and operation processes. Designing services and implementing monitoring and control mechanisms
Pantallas de pilotes para contención de tierras
En muchas ocasiones resulta necesario reforzar o reparar elementos estructurales de madera, bien sea por una ampliación de su responsabilidad estructural, o bien, por su deterioro a lo largo ...
Regulation and balancing of controlled mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery
Reports on conflicts due to flooding on land in riparian areas
Respirometry is a technique based on measuring and interpreting the speed with which microorganisms involved in a biological process of degradation of an organic substrate or nitrogen elimination consume oxygen ...
Rheological substance and composition studies
Scientometric network studies on documentary bodies of scientific papers, patents, web pages and a multitude of structured and unstructured textual documents
Studies of effectiveness, stability, toxicity, dermal and eye irritation, photoprotection, accelerated aging, expiration, etc. of products
Study of radon gas concentrations in buildings
Study of sediment transport using laser anemometry
Study of the behaviour of breakwaters facing obliquely incident directional waves
Study of the urban heat island in cities and towns
Technological surveillance reports
Tests of breakwaters constructed from different geometric elements
Thermal comfort monitoring in buildings
The research group provides services to determine the following water quality parameters: BOD5, COD, suspended solids, total solids, ashes, organic matter, phenols, phytosanitary content, aerobic mesophyll bacteria growth, conductivity ...