Servicios tecnológicos
Reports about impact on heritage
Development of bibliometric, webmetric and cybermetric studies
Research designs in language and human communication. Dichotic listening. Analysis of the acoustic parameters of speech
Researching socioeconomic aspects in centres and homes for the elderly
Sign language interpreting of audiovisual material for museums and exhibitions: signing guides
Focusing on professional practice and the design of social policies, the organisation of services and the improvement of programmes and projects for social and educational intervention.
Social intervention with the disadvantaged, ethnic minorities and/or African immigrants.
Spatio-temporal diagnoses, inventory of resources, etc., in subjects related to territory management, environment and natural resources.
Specialised training in:Theory and methodology of social sciences;Studies and analysis of social problems in specific areas, such as: family, third sector or education;Social policies compared;Planning, intervention ...
Specialist studies on the history of large companies, and advisory service on cataloguing their archives
Storage management of archaeological material
Strategic planning in gender issues in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb.
With particular emphasis on institutions, leadership and authority, the perspective of gender and on the phenomenon of Islamophobia
Studies and consultancy on women and feminisms in contemporary Arab societies
Studies in archeometallurgy
Studies of reasoning biases and noise in expert judgments (doctors, judges, politicians ...)
Studies of the social context in which business or public actions take place or at which they are aimed
Synesthesia and creativity, applications of mirror neurons and empathy, suppression of thought, study of tickling, the experience of flow, the prosocial and sociopathic self, etc. Informative explanatory conferences on these ...
Studies on social problems specific to the public and private sector:Studies on ageing, dependency and social policy, with the aim of preparing and developing new management and funding models ...
Studies, analysis and translations of and about literature, history, thought and society in the contemporary Arab world