Servicios tecnológicos
Empirical analysis on the social and organisational articulation of businesses
Ergonomic assessment of how work systems are designed
Estudios de gamificación en diversos sectores
Evaluation of intervention psychosocial programs
Evaluation of social policies, welfare services, social and educational projects, and professional practices.
Evaluation of texts, documents and books relating to the mediaeval and modern periods
Exhibition, museographical and executive projects of museums and performance centres
Extraction of cutting edge 3D digital information about buildings, cultural heritage and natural assets to provide input to architectonic, geological, archaeological or museological software of the following types: AUTOCAD, BLENDER ...
Formulation of Local 21 Agendas with all procedures relevant to the case.
Formulation of SWOT matrices and similar ones that enable decisions made about territory to be qualified on the basis of all its potential.
Generate research on the relations between peace, business and economic development, working in association with governments, international business partnerships, academics, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and others
Gestión de la cadena de valor
Gestión de materiales de difusión cultural y ambiental para instituciones privadas y públicas
Dissemination of new models of professional social and socio-educational intervention.
Graphic documentation and digital design of elements of archaeological heritage, both furnishings and buildings. Topographical interpretation
Guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of learning difficulties, for teachers and parents
Historical and current vegetation mapping. Photo-interpretation and field studies
Holistic and comparative view of corporeality and the different techniques of the body
Identification of development interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb
Importance of the cinema in the appreciation of landscapes and in the development of cultural tourism