Servicios tecnológicos
Consultancy on matters of history, literature and culture in the Arab and Islamic world (with particular focus on the Nasrid kingdom of Granada) in the media: press, television, cinema, etc
Consultancy on matters of museums and exhibitions relating to the Arab/Islamic world, particularly with regard to al-Andalus
Consultancy on publication of French texts, in their traductological aspects and also in the approach to original texts and the preparation of critical editions
Consultancy on publication of the Latin works of all the above-mentioned authors and collaboration in that enterprise. The group will undertake the editing, translation and publication of the said works
Consultancy on the main authors and works of contemporary Arab literature
Consultancy regarding the subject at any level of state or private education
Counselling in topics related to behavioural information and control in the areas of Health Psychology and drug addiction
Creation and analysis of questionnaires and scales for measuring attitudes
Data on English-language authors dedicated to developing themes like ecology or denunciation of abuses
Data on children’s literature
Delimitation of archaeological sites using a combination of magnetic prospecting techniques and 3D georadar
Design and development of onotologies from ICTs
Design of activities (seminars, lectures, etc.) relating to the historical heritage and the ancient world
Design of models made with scanned elements produced using 3D printers
Design of systems. Assessment of performance and professional careers.
Design, development and assessment of actions aimed at improving aspects of the spiritual dimension of the human being, understood in a broad sense: values, creativity, meaning of life – all aspects ...
Designing and developing educational programmes and plans relating to peace culture
Develop and advise on educational content in the study of peace in schools and institutions of higher education
Develop frameworks to demonstrate the economic benefits of peace (peaceful resolution of conflicts, mediations) for businesses, governments and civil society
Development and advice on archaeological activities, excavations by stratigraphic means, prospecting and surface analysis of the territory