Servicios tecnológicos
In order to propose actions for correcting or minimising them using the procedures set out in the E.L.C. (protection, management, planning).
Contributing useful criteria to forms of public action and proposing the maintenance of favourable situations. Correcting or improving unfavourable situations in accordance with the procedures set out in the E ...
In order to contribute to their better understanding and evaluation.
In order to set out recommendations that enable social maintenance and evaluation.
drawing up localisation maps, determining the mitigation required to reduce their impact and limiting the harmful actions.
Application of emotional training in people with low vision
Application of knowledge about music in Spain during the Franco era to considerations and polemics concerned with historical and collective memories of the period
Application Application of natural language processing techniques
Application of the conclusions derived from analysis of the relations between music, politics and ideology in today’s society, especially in identity-defining processes
Archaeological excavations and prospections supporting public or private works
Archeobiological studies for the characterisation of past ecosystems and enhancing of natural and cultural heritage.
Architectural studies applied to the archaeological heritage
Asesoramiento psicopedagógico a centros educativos con el objetivo de mejorar las inferencias en procesos de aprendizaje.
Asesoría a organismos públicos y privados sobre alternativas hacia conseguir un mayor bienestar de ciudadanos, empleados, y personas en general. Estrategias para el fomento del empoderamiento y participaci ...
Assessment and treatment of work-related psychologies (stress, mobbing, burnout, etc.)
Assessment of user experience
Assistance in devising teaching materials
Characterisation of ancient pottery
Characterisation of cartographic documentary sources
Co-ordination of cultural exhibitions and events relating to the ancient world